- To Create a Fully Detailed 3D model of a Garbage truck.
The Complete Modeling of the Garbage Truck was done inside 3ds Max and Textured in 3DCoat. As the leader of a team of three modelers, I was responsible for determining the complete modeling and texturing pipeline. I started by creating a rough photo geometry of the garbage truck to get a better understanding of its proportions and size of it. I have written a tool in maxscript that creates helpers that help in measuring objects in the scene easier. The final scene setup was done inside 3ds Max with Vray render engine.
Polygonal and Spline modeling was used to model the entire garbage truck. No blueprint or mechanical drawing was provided by the client but a very detailed set of reference images were presented. Finding measurements of some parts was tricky, but I managed to find the tire size of the truck and from that data, I managed to find the exact dimensions of that tire size. So, I first created the tires according to those correct dimensions and scaled and align the tires of the reference pictures to them.
We are Little Zombies fig 1 : Tools Developed for Modeling
Final Asset inside 3ds Max. Correct scale and measurements are a vital part of this asset. Yellow measuring helpers were created using the custom script written for the project.
I find standard 3ds Max measuring tools inconvenient for quick measuring tasks, especially while modeling. The tape tool is good for measuring distances between two points but when I need to create a reference object to get an idea about a certain distance, it becomes tedious to use the Tape tool. So I wrote this small maxscript snippet that creates reference objects in exact given sizes. I made it work with edit poly, so I can create these reference objects in the exact orientation of an edge.
You can download this measuring script using the link below.
3D Texture painting of the garbage truck was done inside 3DCoat. Several UV tiles ranging from 8K to 2K were used to texture the entire garbage truck.
We are Little Zombies fig 2 : Look Development Progress of the Completed Asset.