- Create 2 camera fly through shots.
The process was started by tracking both shots (a shot of the camera flying and stopping near the keyhole and a shot of the camera starting again from opposite side of the keyhole) using pfTrack and Mocha - Mocha was used to track the first half of the camera flying near to keyhole for the shot was too dark to track using pfTrack. Then both these tracking data were exported to 3ds Max and seamlessly combined with the help of custom keyframes and curve editor. Then, the door lock was modeled inside 3ds Max and placed perfectly to match the camera path, making the camera go through it. Then Scene was lit up and look development was done. Rendering was done using Nvidia's mental ray render engine. Finally, all the render passes were composited inside Adobe Aftereffects.
Alone in a Valley fig 1 : Final composition of camer flying through a keyhole
As before, both shots; shot of camera getting near and stopping at exhaust fan and shot of camera outside the location were tracked using pfTrack and exported in to 3ds Max. Both camera paths were seamlessly combined using manual key frames and graph editor. Exhaust fan was modeled and textured using 3ds Max and 3D Coat and Animated inside 3Ds Max. All the render passes were rendered in mental ray and default scanline render engines and composited inside Adobe Aftereffects.
Alone in a Valley fig 2 : Final composition of camera flying through an exhaust fan